"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." - C.G. Jung

Your truth already lives within you. Therapy is the place where that truth can reveal itself.

Some paths to pursuing growth can leave you feeling labeled, picked apart, or wondering what's "wrong" with you. But I believe you are whole and complete just as you are. Healing is a journey not toward fixing perceived damages, but toward rediscovering the wholeness that has been there all along.

In our therapy sessions, I'll walk alongside you on that journey. I bring a spiritual perspective into the room that bears witness to your inherent wisdom. Through the exploration of your inner world, we'll partner in your deep healing and spiritual freedom. This is so much more than a temporary "band-aid" approach to short-term symptom relief.

My Approach

My therapeutic approach centralizes around Depth Psychology and Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Depth Psychology is a method of Jungian Psychotherapy wherein we examine one’s inner world (through dreams, active imagination, and symbols) to better understand the layers outside of our awareness. Our inner life holds the meaning behind why we experience suffering and provides guidance towards healing.

IFS or “parts work” dives deeper into healing parts of ourself which have been burdened with traumatic memories, pain, or a certain way of coping with the world. We'll attend to each of these parts, so they have the space they need to be validated, accepted, and healed.

In addition to Depth Psychology and IFS, I incorporate psychodynamic and attachment-based psychotherapy into my practice. Sessions with me are both spiritually-informed and trauma-informed, taking into account the entirety of your lived experience.

How we’ll do it

Let’s get started today.